
Order search

With the order search feature, you can search for MyCashflow online store orders based on your desired criteria, such as order status, payment and delivery method, and payment status. The intelligent order search helps you find orders quickly and makes managing your online store a breeze.

Intelligent order search helps find and filter orders

The order search feature on the Orders page of MyCashflow’s management tool allows you to search and filter online store orders based on various criteria.

Using the filtering tools found in the header row of the order table, you can search for orders based on creation date, processing status, payment status, payment method, version, archiving status, or order source (online store or POS).

You can also use keyword search to find orders by customer information, customer address, delivery country, product name, product number, order notes, order comments, and shipment tracking codes. Once you've created your desired order search, you can save it to easily find the same orders again in the future.

Using order search

You can search and filter online store orders using the search tools found on the Orders page. The filtering tools are located in the header row of the order table, allowing you to search for orders with various filters.

For detailed instructions on using the order search, visit the MyCashflow help center.

Inclusion in service plans

Order search is included in all paid MyCashflow service plans.