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Product attributes

By adding product attributes to your MyCashflow online store products, customers can easily browse through products based on size or color, for example, and thus find the products that interest them quickly and easily.

Product attributes make searching for products easier

In MyCashflow online stores, merchants have access to product attributes, which allow them to conveniently assign various attributes to products and product variations, such as color and size options.

Based on product attributes, filter menus are created for product lists in the online store, and these attributes can also be listed alongside products. Product attributes enhance the shopping experience by allowing customers to filter products based on desired attributes, making it easier to find items like shirts in a specific color or size.

MyCashflow includes the following default product attributes:

  • Size
  • Color
  • Product group
  • Brand
  • Material and pattern (available in stores with the Product Ads extension installed)

Managing product attributes

Enabling product attributes in a MyCashflow online store involves the following steps:

  1. Defining the necessary product attributes
  2. Adding product attributes to products and variations using product features
  3. Adding support for product filters to the store's theme if needed

Using product filters in the online store requires that the filters are implemented in the store's theme.
Read the instructions for using product attributes on the MyCashflow support site.

Inclusions in plans

Product attributes are available in all paid MyCashflow plans. There are package-specific limitations related to the use of product attributes:

  • Basic: You can create a maximum of 3 custom product attributes and display the same number in the online store.
  • Advanced and higher: You can create up to 100 custom product attributes and display up to 10 product filters/attributes in the online store by default. If you want to display more, contact MyCashflow customer service.

Additionally, each product attribute can have a maximum of 500 values.