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Saved product searches

Saved product searches help you quickly find the information you often need in your e-commerce management. The feature also facilitates product selection, for example, for campaigns.

Speed up information retrieval with saved product searches

With MyCashflow's saved product searches, you can quickly find information that is frequently or regularly needed in your store. You can also use saved searches to select desired products, for instance, as targets for campaigns.

Useful saved searches include best-selling, least-selling, or promoted products. This feature allows you to easily create saved searches for sold-out products, stock items, or products on sale—thereby speeding up the retrieval of desired information.

In MyCashflow, you can use saved product searches on reports, which help you easily track the sales of different products and product groups, and create inventory and order reports for accounting purposes.

Using the feature

You can create saved product searches in the MyCashflow online store management tool by navigating to the Saved searches section on the left side of the Products page. To start creating a product search, click the "Create saved search" button, create the first search criterion, and apply the criterion to one of the given options.

If desired, you can also select the store or language version from which you want to search for products. Once you have created the required number of search criteria, you can choose the order of the search results, such as by name, price, or newest products.

Detailed instructions for saving product searches can be found in our Help Center.

Inclusion in plans

This feature is included in all paid MyCashflow plans (Basic, Advanced, Pro).