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E-commerce Industries

Customized Online Store for Your Industry

MyCashflow is a comprehensive e-commerce platform that allows you to set up an online store tailored to the unique needs of your industry and sell products both online and in physical locations. Discover how MyCashflow caters to four popular industries: clothing, cosmetics, tools, and electronics.

Online Store Tailored to Your Industry

Build a Successful Clothing Business

Selling clothing, accessories, and shoes offers almost limitless potential for e-commerce. With MyCashflow's versatile features, you can fully customize your store to meet your business needs and create a thriving clothing business both online and in physical stores.
Seamless management of large product inventories
Fast shipping and returns
Product recommendations and upselling techniques
Unlimited product variations

Sell Electronics Online – Easier Than Ever

Setting up an online store for electronics is a breeze with MyCashflow. Our platform supports your business growth with comprehensive sales promotion features and excellent opportunities to expand into new target markets.
Boost sales with product recommendations and cross-selling
Design varied campaigns and discounts
Offer attractive product bundles
Showcase products with high-quality images and videos

Sell Cosmetics Globally

Easily set up a cosmetics-focused online store with MyCashflow. Our service includes versatile sales promotion features to support your business growth. With MyCashflow, you can create unlimited product variations, making product management easier and helping customers find what they're looking for.
Bundle attractive product packages
Utilize campaigns and discounts
Create product recommendations to boost sales
Make products easy to find with filters

Maximize Online Potential for Selling Tools and Machines

Tools, accessories, machines – sell your products without limits using MyCashflow. We offer a versatile e-commerce service that scales with your business growth, featuring built-in sales promotion tools to support your success.
Manage all functions from a single control panel
Unlimited product variations
Product filters for quick searches
Popular payment and shipping options included

Try 30 days for free - get started today!

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"I hope that in the future Tokoi ECommerce will grow into the largest specialty store in the Nordic countries, and I believe that with MyCashflow this will certainly be successful."
  • Vladimir Tokoi | Suojakalvotukku